Annual Iain Murray Memorial Prize for Innovation

In memory of our friend and colleague Iain Murray, Heartbeat Primary Care CIC will offer an annual prize of £1,000 for best innovative idea submitted to improve the health and wellbeing of patients in the NHS defined localities of Hamble- ton, Richmondshire and Whitby. Ideas should be capable of implementation across all three localities whether through adoption by Heartbeat itself, Primary Care Networks, or individual practices.
Entries should demonstrate how they would help relieve practice pressures as well as benefit patients. They can be clinical or administrative and may relate to patient flows or clinical practice. Ideas with a carbon net zero and/or digital element would be particularly well received as would ideas that promote the integration of primary care with other parts of the health and social care system.
Heartbeat will undertake to support the creation of a project team to develop the winning idea and implement it.
Who Can Enter
Heartbeat staff as well as Heartbeat shareholder practice staff and partners may submit entries. Multiple entries from individuals and practices meeting the submission criteria will be accepted provided they are submitted using a separate entry form for each idea.
Directors and senior managers of Heartbeat are excluded from entering.
Starting and Closing Date
Entries can be submitted at any time from 1 November each year. The closing date for submissions will be 31 August in each year.
Enter the Annual Iain Murray Memorial Prize for Innovation
If you are using the downloadable form please submit:
By email to: stephenbrown@nhs.net
Or by post to:
Heartbeat CIC
Suite 30
County Business Park
Darlington Road